“My mother, Nan Whelan (née Smith), and myself. My mother had lived on Jones’s Road and was very at home in Dublin city centre. After moving to Mount Merrion when she married my father, Jimmy Whelan, she took every opportunity to come into “Town”. Every Friday she would travel into Moore Street to do her weekly shopping, and then get a lift home with my father when he finished work as a draftsman in the ESB in Fitzwilliam Street. I loved to accompany her into town as she knew
all the shortcuts and was friendly with the staff in some of the shops, such as Kelly’s fish shop in Moore Street, where we would often stay chatting for ages. Now I enjoy living in Maynooth, but like my mother
I still love to come into Dublin for an essential breath of the atmosphere. In the picture you can see Nelson’s Pillar, the GPO, Clerys and a bus stop with Irish script. I am holding a bus ticket – at that time children loved to get a long bus ticket from the bus conductor; when he came to the end of a roll there would always be a child waiting to get the long blank end of the ticket.”


Submitted by Regina Richardson